maanantai, 27. lokakuu 2008

Good-bye and wrap-up

It is over 2 years ago since I opened my blog, and indeed it has been my open diary since it. However, the time in Vietnam is soon over (we are departing a day after tomorrow) and it is time to say good-bye to the blog...

But before that a turn for wrap-up. We have had two marvelous years here in Hanoi, not that we would not have been facing challenges or culture shocks, but most of them we have been able to overcome. And it belongs to the Vietnam (citing a famous photographer) that within the same minute, you can hate and love Vietnam. Such has been life here, fortunately more love than hate. In the end, we all are millions of experiences richer than two years ago, and I am pretty sure that we shall miss Vietnam many times since we leave.

Today we have sent the shipment on its way to Oulu, and a day after tomorrow we are departing to Bangkok for a day before Thursday morning´s Finnair flight to Helsinki and Kajaani. Then, during the weekend, we move on to Oulu to start the next chapter in our lives. We do not know much about it yet, except that we need to find a bigger house, a good kindergarten to Toivo and a job to me. But, hopefully all that is sorted out before Christmas.

This is the last posting this time. I really want to thank all of you readers, for your comments and encouragement. I still have a dream that one day I would be able to open another blog. I am not sure yet if its name is Tiitta in Nepal, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique or South Africa. If you know a good fortune teller, please let me know as I want to find it out. And the boys of the family members agrees with me on this, indeed.


maanantai, 20. lokakuu 2008

Viimeinen spurtti

Viimeinen täysi viikko Vietnamissa alkaa. Kotiinpaluu ajoittuu torstaille 30.10., ja edellisenä päivänä saavutaan jo Bangkokiin. Koko perhe, myös Pekka on saapunut Hanoihin. Huomenna lähdemme rannikolle muutamaksi päiväksi ennen pakkaustalkoita. Tosin niihin muutamaan päivään mahtuu lukematon määrä hyvästejä, tavaran hakijoita, vuokraemännän tapaamista, muuttofirman kanssa diilailua ja silleen. Eli kiirettä saattaa pitää. Eilen meillä oli jo talo täynnä lapsia ja ystäviä, eikä loppua näy. Kaikki haluavat sanoa hyvästit monta kertaa!!

Toivolla oli myös perjantaina ekat läksiäiset. Meni Mason (mongolialais-vietnamilais-jenkki bestis), Login (Israel), Gemman (Italia-Sveitsi) ja Sashan (Kanada) kanssa eläintarhaan. Muistona lukematon määrä iloisia valokuvia. Tänään on vielä TOISET läksiäiset meillä kotona, jonne parhaillaan naapurin maidit mukaanlukien leipovat kakkuja. Sinne varmaan tulee edellisten lisäksi myös Annie (Tsekki-Saksa) jne kavereita, joiden kaikkien nimiä en edes tiedä. Itse taidamme poistua paikalta. Jokaisen lapsen mukana tulee tietenkin henkilökohtainen hoitaja. Vilkasta on kaksivuotiaan seuraelämä Vietnamissa!!

Vieraita oli viime viikolla, Rita ja Ritva Helsingistä, jotka nauttivat Hanoista shoppaamalla, kävivät myös Halong Bayssa. Mukaan tarttui ompelijalta ainakin Ritvalle: kaksi iltapukua, vietnamilainen kansallispuku,  raakasilkkinen bolero, aasialaistyylinen jakku ja Ritalle: raakasillkinen jakku, taftinen hame, kolme tai neljä toppia, taftinen jakkupuku...tulikohan kaikki? Hyvällä omalla tunnolla voidaan sanoa, että vietnamilaista naisyrittäjyyttä on tuettu kunnolla. Mutta mukavaa oli, ja viiniä ja gin toniciakin saimme tyhjennettyä muuton alta ihan mukavasti.

Viimeinen työpäiväkin on siis takana, vaikka vielä pari kertaa pitää toimistolla käydä. Mutta, hyvällä omalla tunnolla voi todeta, että nyt nautitaan Vietnamista viimeiset päivät. Hyvästi ja kuulumisiin Hoi Anin reissun jälkeen!

lauantai, 11. lokakuu 2008

Have you signed UNIFEM´s Say NO to Violence agains Women

Dear Friend, 

Have you already signed UNIFEM´s Say NO to Violence against Women campaign? If not, please hurry!

The Say NO to Violence against Women campaign continues to gain worldwide support (see latest stories below). Help us reach 1 million names by 25 November, when all names will be handed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a broadbased call for governments to take action to end violence against women and girls:

  • Ask 3 people to visit and add their names
  • Include a link to as part of your e-mail signature
  • Talk about the campaign in your blog and in discussion forums

Let’s make our voices heard loud and clear!


perjantai, 10. lokakuu 2008

A farewell poem from a colleague that made me happy!

For beloved friend, Tiitta<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


This is your last day

It's the d-day of the UN

This doesn't make any sense

Everyone seems tense


Your work is immense

Success describes your contribution

Your warm smile is imprinted in our hearts

Your kind advice will never be gone


Farewell Tiitta of Finland

Hands are joined to wave goodbye

Gender field awaits your shine

Only best your future lies

maanantai, 6. lokakuu 2008

Another Vietnamese wedding

About a year ago I was able to attend the Vietnamese wedding for the first time. On Sunday I had a second chance for that. Many of you have met our best Vietnamese friend Loan, a friend from day one in Vietnam. Loan got married with Thomas, who is from China. Very traditionally, pictures (above) and a wedding video was taken months before, as well as the registration as well - already in May. Traditionally, the wedding can´t take during the rain season, therefore the party itself was postponed. Otherwise the Vietnamese wedding is very simple and does not last long. It is actually a lunch event only. But still, it was a pleasure to attend it. They will have another similar wedding in China. So it is hard work to get married!! Luckily me and Pekka chose the simplier version more than two years ago!!

The count down of this blog has started. Tiitta is 21 more days in Vietnam...It will soon be time to wrap up. But hopefully one or two more postings before that!1965079.jpg