A nice reminder from Finland was sent to me yesterday, by my dear friend Anja! Happy Name Day, Toivo. Today 4 June is Toivo's name day. And I would have forgotten, this very important day which is also called the flag day of the Finnish Defence Forces or similar. So it has always been an important day to my family, two officers in the parades. I remember those parades from my childhood, they were always very exciting.

Actually it is quite interesting that I have become a feminist after being raised up in a military family. Or may be just because of that I am a feminist, I do not know myself either, just sometimes wondered that quite surprising.

Actually, dear blog, I do not think I have anything very sensible to write today, but just finished all my tasks from today and had some extra time before my driver Cuong comes with his Honda Dream to pick me up. And then, the name day hero will have a small party. We expect all of you calling him on skype tonight and singing to him...

Tomorrow we have friends from Finland arriving, Liisa and Harri, and from Wednesday on I will be on the beach. My office (100 people) will have a "retreat" which is one of these "let's have fun together" things, just a difference that here it takes for 3 days...I will have a presentation on Friday, I am quite honored of that, although I think it is the most exciting in the front of your colleagues whom you know all and whom most likely will be evaluating you all the time. Nevertheless, I will be talking for half an hour how we can make programmes more gender sensitive...So, have funs!

I am scheduling my 4 weeks in Finland and it looks quite intensive and challenging to be able to meet all my friends and some selected relatives. But that's of course what I enjoy and love. And it is of course relaxing as well to chat and gossip with all of you. The emphasis in the last word, for sure. But not too much sausage in this summer, I have finally got rid of all my pregnancy fats and I am in a relatively good shape, being myself lazy athletic who has genetic sausages in stomach!