It is over 2 years ago since I opened my blog, and indeed it has been my open diary since it. However, the time in Vietnam is soon over (we are departing a day after tomorrow) and it is time to say good-bye to the blog...

But before that a turn for wrap-up. We have had two marvelous years here in Hanoi, not that we would not have been facing challenges or culture shocks, but most of them we have been able to overcome. And it belongs to the Vietnam (citing a famous photographer) that within the same minute, you can hate and love Vietnam. Such has been life here, fortunately more love than hate. In the end, we all are millions of experiences richer than two years ago, and I am pretty sure that we shall miss Vietnam many times since we leave.

Today we have sent the shipment on its way to Oulu, and a day after tomorrow we are departing to Bangkok for a day before Thursday morning´s Finnair flight to Helsinki and Kajaani. Then, during the weekend, we move on to Oulu to start the next chapter in our lives. We do not know much about it yet, except that we need to find a bigger house, a good kindergarten to Toivo and a job to me. But, hopefully all that is sorted out before Christmas.

This is the last posting this time. I really want to thank all of you readers, for your comments and encouragement. I still have a dream that one day I would be able to open another blog. I am not sure yet if its name is Tiitta in Nepal, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique or South Africa. If you know a good fortune teller, please let me know as I want to find it out. And the boys of the family members agrees with me on this, indeed.
